Edited on Thu Sep-08-11 12:19 AM by PATRICK
The only fully nationwide physical delivery network, Because- and not despite of- the huge variety of electronic options and media outlets there is no other single way to communicate with each American citizen or even targeted locations and groups. Is putting paper into a mailbox outmoded? just like paper voting ballots, but it is the only sure way to deliver advertising or anything else you need to be able to put into any American's hand. Things have shifted and multiplied over the years but this is one dinosaur still standing and delivering. The fault for NOT having a trustworthy and single electronic delivery system to every citizen at a non-profit bargain? Private enterprise and its Congressional stooges. The reason the USPS is under assault from the top and under mismanagement(hired by the same kindly Congressional and Presidential appointments we are still saddled with)? The same.
Without government interference(LOL now that the First class monopoly is not such a profitable business to loot) the network could underprice and outdeliver any other comparable service, although it would take some expansion to takeover the UPS package delivery system. Instead the big rivals come whining anytime the USPS infringes on their private enterprise even though no tax dollars are spent. Because Congress would never let us be a business in the first place, the nation's benefit be damned. Suddenly then we are are a service? Can't admit that ever because we would be too big to fail and embarassingly cheap to bail out creating real economy boosting jobs.
Firing workers so that automated machinery can be served and services cut to consumers and the network destroyed does what for the service or the economy? Is there anything even left to sell to the bulk mailer middlemen in bed with the political maggots appointed by the government? AT&T had a future in telecommunications awaiting. There is little left that is profitable in the USPS once the network is gutted to "force" the final betrayal. But there are worms who will squeeze something out of ad mail sweat shop centers and force you to fund and keep your boxes open enough to buy some more pols who are eagerly looking for ways to destroy America at this point.
Whatever madfloridian has tried to do to educate you about the hostile takeover of public services and infrastructure either has had an effect or it hasn't. The simple truths are buried under the corporate Pravda blather of many years. The survival of your service depends largely upon the unions and in the nation they had clout because they existed as a force in every locale of the US. They had learned to lobby for the cutting loose of the USPS from the government pinch-penny dole, the corruption and inefficiency, because, bluntly they could never get a meager raise without Congressional approval until the fateful strike. Ah yes, when the sanctimonious bastards of yesterday in the House denied hundreds of thousands of underpaid workers and then voted THEMSELVES a raise. I guess that kind of indignation is passe nowadays- and still illegal.
The union knows the future and the reality, but currently the Federal violation of an independent contract(worked out with a management that knew then exactly what it knows today) does nothing but grind America as a whole further into the dirt.
Lost good jobs and for good. Minimal wage disposables in the wreckage of a nearly non-profit service to enrich the pockets of a few(bulk mailers, future owners of a USPS privatization breakup), a blow to the labor movement, a loss of tax revenue and consumer income, a curtailing of bargain service, in particular to businesses suffering now. So if someone wants to send a message to voters, to consumers, to charity givers, to anyone for any important reason what sure way is there to reach the most people? A text message via multiple phone services? A line on Yahoo? An ad on FOX TV or a some radio stations or stations? Newspapers with their readerships declining so much most businesses wonder if the price of an ad is worth it? How about smoke signals?
The bargain public service was instituted by Franklin to unify the nation, strengthen communication, information, dissemination of newspapers and was given a "monopoly" so that the profitable easy portions of such enterprises would not deprive the rest of the citizens. Before social security was on a futurist's quilled parchment there was this idea that a stamp could reach to the farthest frontiers of America or across the street. The concept seems strange only to the resentful in search of a quick buck. As with so many raped domains in the public commons you will lose everything to enrich a few. You might as well reverse history, burn the Declaration, shred the Constitution, and play "The World turned Rightside up again" at Yorktown while Washington surrenders to Cornwallis.
For all the interference and costly spending on truly outdated automation job killers and mail shredders, for all the job-killing, service reducing consolidation of postal centers so that mail can be lugged around all over the place in costly transportation delays, the price of a stamp is less than a newspaper and gallon of milk(!), to which it had been traditionally compared if not indexed.
And yes, despite the outright enmity of the GOP we have been strangely safer under GOP presidents. All the Board of Governors are Clinton or Bush appointees, the Bush in the majority with power to appoint the Postmaster and Assistant Postmaster. The Postal Rates Commission is another that determines whether our "business" is allowed to raise the price by a penny. Despite all these chains and delays the system works and is stand alone a good for our country.
Only, unlike the illegal strike back under Nixon, the special mailings of bank business and accounts is not in the USPS. Back then the nation and world could grind to a halt as hapless national Guardsmen and supervisors tried to move the mountain of mail in which the lifeblood of the economy was buried. Yet hurting the service by the pols themselves imperils the economy today in the several ways I mentioned to absolutely no benefit to the federal budget and more than some big hurt.
And because there is no truth, no tax money, no positive effect on the economy to be discussed we have the usual lies, alarm and silence dished out by the very usual suspects in these dramas. Maybe we can train the TFA people for fifteen minutes to slog through neighborhoods at newsboy wages to take letter carrier's places. Maybe we can rely on the Internet to announce to the entire nation we are being had and should revolt. Maybe political challengers can find enough volunteers to somehow attach brochures on every single door the USPS reached every day.
And I would like to see tomb-stoned every DU plant who rushes with an implicit sneer to trash and victimize the next worker in line for blood sacrifice because they "deserve" it. The attitude about all the handy services and Chinese built gadgets that the bubbled economy temporarily still provides at high cost is not a progressive future to brag about. Nor the %^&**%$#% electronic vote stealing gimmicks versus pencil, paper and citizen oversight.
Despite ALL this.
When even in my own family I have discussed this(as you can imagine) at some length, when the breathless headline comes out as if this is actual recent news- only minus truth and details- it is spun back and of course I groan and re-explain. You can't believe in the treachery of corporate news and keep reading them. They get to you every time one way or another with their insistent poison. Ss it was thirty years ago that the USPS is in trouble, outdated(TIME magazine said that thirty years ago- wha' happened? It got better as union jobs got better and businesses flocked to its service as they still do despite a slump). Panic children, the USPS must shut down!!! Time to cut jobs throw ashes on your heads and live with it. Same old goddamned lies. Same liars in fact and the same American people who need to talk to their local postman mainly if they ever want to find a fact. Sadly, some of those postmen too have succumbed to the Big Con over the long years, such is the power of the blowhards' blowhorn against that simple dependable box parked in front of your home and the union worker who delivers.