this is it.
Obama Babbles on Medical Marijuana
At a townhall meeting in Minnesota a few weeks ago,
President Obama, who has completely broken every promise he made about changing the way the federal government deals with states that have legalized the medical use of marijuana, was asked about the issue. And he babbled incoherently.
Audience member: “If you can’t legalize marijuana, why can’t we just legalize medical marijuana, to help the people that need it?”
Obama: “Well, you know, a lot of states are making decisions about medical marijuana. As a controlled substance, the issue then is, you know, is it being prescribed by a doctor, as opposed to, you know — well — – I’ll — I’ll — I’ll — I’ll leave it at that.”
If you can figure out what the heck that drivel was supposed to mean, let me know.
Now, many of you might think that there are more important issues, and yes there are. But this is one issue that keeping his promise on would only strengthen his support, from ALL Americans, as both Liberals and Conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, use Cannabis, daily and without a problem (except from the authorities).