I got this email update from the CBPP.
http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3572&emailView=1So I sent them this angry letter.
You seem to be saying 'hurrah for the Bush tax cuts', since you apprently accept and embrace tax cuts that provide the vast majority of benefits to the top, and also embrace bad arguments for those tax cuts. Like your table showing hardly any benefits for those making over a million (which reminds me of the Bush arguments that since $300 is a larger PERCENTAGE of my taxes that it's actually MORE than the $200,000 that he would get himself. In the same way, you seem to argue that the $220 I get from the payroll tax cut is somehow bigger than the $2,000 that a millionaire will get (and probably another $2,000 for their spouse if they are like the Obama's where both were making over $150,000 a year.)
Then you have a table of 11 salaries, and 7 of them are over $50,000, and four of them are over $65,000 (one by a whopping 89% (since you like percentages so much). This, in spite of the fact that 50% of HOUSEHOLDS make less than $50,000 and many of those households have TWO incomes, the SUM of which is less than $50,000.
One might expect a Democratic President to propose policies to benefit those people below the median income, and not policies that provide over 70% of their benefits to the richest 40% and just trickle down to the rest of us.
Failing that, one might hope that organizations like the CBPP would hold their feet to the fire, and attack trickle down proposals. Now, having been stabbed in the back by Obama, all I can do is turn around and say 'et tu, CBPP?'
But apparently too this is another victory for the rightwing, which always said that CBPP was a partisan organization and NOT one that provides honest analysis. Sad, that those people seem to have been proven correct.