As the 2012 Election creeps up on us, the Republican presidential field is starting to become more clear. Each candidate has their positives and negatives in the eyes of their conservative base. As it stands now, it seems as if the race is between Tea Party favorite and evangelical Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and the more moderate Mitt Romney. Michele Bachmann looks to be a distant 3rd, Jon Huntsman is fading and you can still hear the voices of the Ron Paul supporters in the background. Real questions need to be asked of these candidates so we see where they really stand. We know their talking points. “Obama is evil”, “Government is horrible” and “Hands off my bible and guns”. however, real hardball questions need to be asked, here are just a few: Mr. Romney, with “job creation” being the number one issue with Americans, how could you possibly defend your actions in the past, buying up corporations, laying off thousands of workers and then pocketing money from the job cuts you enacted?
5. Mr. Huntsman, you recently put out a detailed jobs plan. Could you please comment on your decision to tax the elderly on their Social Security Benefits, cutting child tax credits and taxing disability benefits for veterans all while eliminating the Capital Gains tax for big businesses and the wealthy?
10. Each of you attack President Obama for the bad economy, claiming that “big government” makes the market and business uneasy. The truth however, is that deregulation on Wall Street and continuing tax cuts for corporations who send jobs overseas was the major reason for the economic collapse. Why is it that each one of you want to continue to let businesses run wild while the middle class gets the shaft?
Of the 10, I liked question the 10th question the best.