1. Strom Thurmond: The then Democratic U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina walked out of the 1948 Democratic Convention because of a civil rights plank in the party platform. He ran as an independent with the sole purpose of defeating the Democrats and prolonging segregation. Fortunately, while carrying four southern states he failed to stop President Truman's election in 1948.
2. George Wallace: Another segregationist who used running for President as a platform to stop civil rights. In 1964, he challenged President Johnson in the Democratic Primaries and won a third of the vote in such states as Wisconsin, Indiana and Maryland! In 1968, he ran as a third party candidate and carry five states and a total of ten million votes. Running again in 1972 he ran a Democrat again. In Florida he carried every county in the state and won 41% of the vote! He was shot and paralyzed. Despite his injury he also carried Michigan and Maryland.
3. Lyndon LaRouche: While never a 'serious candidate' for the Presidency, he used his campaigns as organizing tools for his anti- Semitism. He ran candidates from school board to Senator. He is best remembered for the "LaRouche Initiative" (Proposition 64) on the California ballot in 1986 that would have put people with AIDS in camps. It received 30% of the statewide vote.
4. Governor Rick Perry: The good Governor seems to know boundaries and is very causal with the Constitution of the United States. He says Social Security is a 'ponzi scheme' . He has so intertwined religion and politics that he is danger of creating a theocracy. He has even talked about the state of Texas leaving the union. This man just 'ain't right'.
5. Congresswomen Michele Bachman: Just forty years ago this Congresswoman would have been delegated to the pile of fringe and bizarre candidates. Maybe she would have been embraced by the John Birch Society. The fact that this extremely anti-LGBT candidate who believe we should govern from God's law over all other secular laws is just plain scary.