of Congress spent today's session memorializing the victims of the Arizona massacre, President Obama spoke in Tucson in tribute to the victims as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fights for her life following a crippling gunshot to the head, and a devastated Tucson community prepares to shield mourners at little Christine Green's funeral from the ultimate Christian Hatemongerer -- Fred Phelps -- and his obscene followers who plan to "protest" homosexuality at her service. As these humble events unfolded today, Sarah Palin, too, was taking the situation to heart. To her, this is personal. To her. Just to her. Because it's really about her, as is every other human event occurring in North America.
The mighty Sarah Barracuda ascended the podium and braved the klieg lights for eight self-serving, uninterrupted, pointless minutes to invoke the First Amendment and defend her sacrosanct right to target members of Congress with gunsight crosshairs on her website.
In a display of malignant narcissism only she can fully demonstrate, Sister Sarah stared into the camera and piously claimed personal victim-hood in the Arizona tragedy, whining over the wounds she has suffered from unfounded "leftist" attacks resulting from the blatantly incendiary graphics and "don't retreat -- reload!" rhetoric she posted on her website that were a call to arms to her minions to "target" Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (among others) for attack.
Today Sister Sarah hovered above the mortal world like an ethereal, paranoid angel, certain that evil forces are out to get her, determined to save humanity from those who dare point out her hypocrisy when discussing a human tragedy that ultimately, really, must be about her. Everything is.