watching as the far right wing of the corporate America party gathered to out do each other, to see who could bang the loudest with their club and throw feces at the government...
In a world, I love how they say that when they show a trailer for a movie, that accepts these people as the best and the brightest of their movement...
Well, we are in a pack of trouble.
Not because any of them could get elected president, but because they represent enough people to show how completely polarized and bat shit crazy politics in the 2010's has become.
There is a blood lust in there that creeps me out...
Seriously, I slept right through the kill 'em now and let god sort 'em out production line of death down there in TexAs comments from chief knuckle dragger himself and the ghoulish applause line that chilled me to the bone when I watched it on the You Tubes later.
I remember back in ninth grade Social Studies when they showed the movie Night and Fog and many of my peers cheered loudly because we had all heard about the bodies and the death right there that we would soon be cheering.
It disgusted my social science teacher, Mr. Campbell, who said in a very commanding voice, "If you can cheer after watching this than god help the future..."
No one cheered.
The violence loving club dragging wacko's have so dehumanized the "other" in this country that I am frightened that now the kids would cheer AFTER they saw that movie....
What does that say about America as we get deep into our third century that so many people still look back fondly at the time when anyone who wasn't white and protestant was ostracized.
Every day it seems I am more glad I did not have any kids...