The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released a report on Wednesday claiming that the US is diminishing its "core values" with regard to various counterterrorism measures put in place during the 10 years since the 9/11 attacks .
To support this contention, the report cites to US policies regarding indefinite military detention for terrorism suspects, the use of torture on terrorism suspects and enemy combatants, racial and religious profiling, and domestic surveillance and wiretapping. The report posits that these policies run deeper than what is known by the American people, civil liberties continue to be violated in secret and that future violations are imminent. The report calls upon US citizens to demand national security measures that do not encroach upon civil liberties and to urge government leaders to put an end to policies and programs that do not align themselves with these values:
" We look to our leaders and our institutions, our courts and our Congress, to guide us towards a better way, and it is now up to the American people to demand that our leaders respond to national security challenges with our values, our unity—and yes, our courage—intact. Our country is strong. And it is our fundamental values that are the very foundation of our strength and security."