12:35 PM SEPTEMBER 9, 2011
Dr. Ron Paul’s portion of the Internet is goin’ nutz over the rumored grab-ass Rick Perry was trying to strong-arm Doctor Congressman Paul with, during the Reagan Gravesite Debate. Why is Rick Perry such a violent psychopath? Does he just hate freedom so much that he went over and tried to beat up a whiny old man in view of a thousand cameras?
According to the main websites of Middle Earth, the neocon globalist fraud Rick Perry waited until a commercial break to prance over to Doctor Paul’s lectern and grab the congressman’s arm, all hard-ass-like (if a hard-ass can wear a big poofy ’70s wig), and then wagged his manicured finger at the Doctor of the Constitution!
But the good doktor himself dismissed it all, according to a thing posted this morning by industry newsletter The Hill:
Rep. Pon Paul (R-Tex.) dismissed Internet rumors that Texas Governor Rick Perry had tried to intimidate him during a commercial break at the Republican debate Wednesday night, saying that there were no “cross words” exchanged between the two ….