are the core issues identified by the October2011 Movement steering committee.
1. Corporatism– firmly establish that money is not speech, corporations are not people, only people have Constitutional rights, end corporate influence over the political process, protect people and the environment from damage by corporations.
2. Wars and Militarism – end wars and occupations, end private for-profit military contractors, reduce the national security state and end the weapons export industry. War crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace must be addressed and those responsible held accountable under international law.
3. Human Rights – end exploitation of people in the US and abroad, end discrimination in all forms, equal civil rights and due process for all people.
4. Worker Rights and jobs – all working-age people have the right to safe, just, non-discriminatory and dignified working conditions, a sustainable living wage, paid leave and economic protection.
5. Government – all processes of the three branches of government should be accountable to international law, transparent and follow the rule of law, people have the right to participate in decisions which affect them.
From the email I received today: Freedom Plaza, we will form committees to work on each of the 15 crises identified on the website. If you are interested in joining one of the committees, contact us at
Oct. 4 and 5 –There will be nonviolence training sessions in Washington, DC
Oct. 6 –
Morning: Arrive in Freedom Plaza to register
Noon: Rally and concert featuring Junkyard Empire, The Raging Grannies and Head Roc.
Mid-afternoon: Direct action for those who would like to participate.
Evening: Program on the Afghanistan War including the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, Emma’s Revolution, Watermelon Slim and more followed by a candlelight vigil.
Each day in the plaza, there will be many events. Here is a sample schedule:
9 am to noon – workshops and classes
Noon to 3 pm – direct action
3 to 5 pm – committee meetings
5 to 7 pm – open mic on stage
7 to 10 pm – music and evening assembly (livestreamed if possible so that all can participate)
I will be there. I know many of you can't be there but support the movement. And I know some of you will also be there. Will you be there?