This morning, the Dispatch updated the story we wrote about yesterday when Kasich talked about how failure of Issue 2 would embolden the private unions and somehow card check in Ohio would become law....
....Governor John Kasich wouldn’t raise taxes to pay for the megabazillion deficit he said Ohio had (even though, in reality, the State was running a surplus), and instead slashed funding for local governments and schools instead…. Yet, if labor prevails and defeats Issue 2, Kasich says he will raise taxes on businesses to help labor?
This sounds more like an extortion threat. As the Dispatch notes, Kasich cannot honestly believe that Issue 2 improves the solvency of the pensions, because there’s nothing in the bill for him to claim that.
We’ve heard rumors that Kasich had a private meeting with business leaders in Cincinnati in which he was essentially shaking down the business community there to donate to Building a Better Ohio and defend Issue 2. We heard Kasich personally offended some of the business folks.