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9/11 Memorial Curators Decide Not To Display Swastika Formed By Twisted Girders Found At Ground Zero

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Emit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 07:16 PM
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9/11 Memorial Curators Decide Not To Display Swastika Formed By Twisted Girders Found At Ground Zero
9/11 Memorial Curators Decide Not To Display Swastika Formed By Twisted Girders Found At Ground Zero

September 9, 2011 | ISSUE 47•36

NEW YORK—Despite the surprising coincidence of finding a perfectly formed swastika amidst the broken girders of the Twin Towers, 9/11 memorial curators have opted not to display the symbol, choosing instead to leave it in the storage facility where it has been located for the past 10 years. "On the one hand, it's pretty miraculous that there was a precisely shaped 80-by-80-foot swastika found in the rubble of the fallen World Trade Center, but in the end, we decided not to include it in our plans for the museum," said memorial spokesman Stanley Morgenstern, adding that it would probably be seen as inappropriate. (...) Upon hearing the news, neo-Nazi groups have complained about the exclusion, arguing that the giant swastika is "a sign from heaven" and that "9/11 affected all Americans, including those who believe in the inherent genetic superiority of the Aryan race.",21290/

I actually got polled by the">Alliance Defense Fund earlier this week asking me about the 9/11 memorial cross.
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ChandlerJr Donating Member (554 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 07:37 PM
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1. Well, they can't all be gems
even the Onion can post an insensitive clunker now and then.
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provis99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-09-11 09:22 PM
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2. what's the big deal?
There's a military base in San Diego built in the shape of a giant swastika...
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