because the wealthy and GOP are far from finished."
Tax breaks for oil companies, which includes write offs for oil drilling and oil well costs total $4.9 billion. Apparently, oil companies can’t survive in the free market and must have government assistance through tax breaks and subsidies. How will they possibly pay for this? Well, they will partly pay for it by eliminating $2.5 billion in low income home energy assistance grants to poor families. So, Republicans care about Big Oil, but they don’t give a damn if children freeze to death during the winter. And Republicans wonder why some poor women choose abortion. Why watch your child freeze to death and suffer later in life when an abortion would have been a more humane option? Makes sense to me.
-Extending alcohol fuel tax breaks has a price tag of $4.9 billion, but Republicans once again have a solution to pay for this. Cut the $2 billion worth of assistance grants for the homeless. So, since most of the homeless are former military veterans, this means Republicans hate the men and women who fight for this country but absolutely love tax breaks for alcohol fuel companies. Apparently, its okay to punish people for being homeless. Republicans and the wealthy could give jobs to these unfortunate people but why offer a job to a homeless American when you can bring in illegal immigrants as slaves to do things around your house.
-A tax loophole for managers of hedge and private equity funds costs $2.3 billion. To make up for this loophole, Republicans want to cut community health centers, which would bring in $2.5 billion. Gee, who would have guessed that Republicans would support greedy, slimy hedge fund managers that sit on their asses all day doing nothing but gambling with other peoples’ money instead of supporting facilities that provide health care to communities? It just boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
-The cost of allowing companies to write off punitive damages is $312 million. Punitive damages is compensation awarded to those who are injured on the job or abused. Companies can write off their own negligence. Can you believe that?! And they pass off the costs of their negligence to the rest of us, meaning they don’t really pay the damages. We do it for them. That’s outrageous. To pay for this little travesty of a deduction, Republicans are sacrificing legal services for the poor which costs $420 million. That’s right folks, if you are poor and cannot afford an attorney, one will NOT be appointed for you because the funding to pay for it will no longer exist. That wealthy guy who had you arrested has a high priced attorney, but you get nothing, you’re on your own. So if you take your boss to court to sue for punitive damages and you cannot afford an attorney, you’re screwed. People should have the right to an attorney no matter how poor they are.