<snip>This intensive rollout of the administration’s aggressive case for war began on September 8, 2002, when five senior Bush administration officials – Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, and Myers – appeared on Sunday morning talk shows on the five major news outlets: CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox. This was just three days before the first anniversary of 9/11, and two months before the congressional mid-term elections (the Bush administration was actively trying to retain and win Republican seats… They succeeded).
Not coincidentally, on the same morning of September 8, the New York Times reported that Iraq had sought to purchase aluminum tubes for alleged use in enriching uranium to build a nuclear weapon (it is now known that this allegation was false). The article cited anonymous “Bush administration officials” who had leaked the story to journalists Judith Miller and Michael Gordon.
Bush officials then had the audacity to cite on television the information from that New York Times article – which the administration itself had leaked – thereby giving them the opportunity to discuss intelligence that would otherwise be classified.
The five Bush officials also used this television opportunity to outline many other justifications for a preemptive war, displaying a notable coordination in their talking points:
• Hussein’s possession of WMD
• Iraqi contacts to lead 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta
• Iraq’s ties to al-Qaeda
• Iraq was 6 months away from having a nuclear weapon
All of these allegations were false, and were based on little or no credible evidence. -----------------------
You would think that the NYT would have smelled something rotten in Denmark when this happened and begin to take a closer look at their own reporting. Wouldn't you?