will still continue to rise.
Our Health Care Insurance System is so designed.
First most Insurance Companies are in the Stock Market.
Every 3 months or every quarter, they are reviewed by the ratings agencies, Moody's, S&P, etc. The rules are the Insurance Companies must show increased profits and earnings. Too many negative reports and they (Ins.Comp) will be downgraded. No Company wants to face a downgrade. (In fact, it has happened people have cooked the books in an effort to avoid downgrade). The Co. must show profit. Where does the profit come from??? Insurance companies must either raise premiums or deny coverage in order to make a profit. Quarter after quarter of increased profits for the company means regular increases in Premiums for policy holders.
What was the driving force behind Obama Health Care Reform? The rising cost of health insurance.
If the GOP were to be able to repeal health insurance reform act., the cost of health insurance will continue to rise.
THE ADM. AND CONGRESS have done not good a job at explaining one thing. We hear them talking about bring the cost down. The GOP jump on this. They are talking about two differnt things. The ADM and Dems are talking about the cost to the FED GOV. They were able to bend the curve on this. They are not talking about the cost to the individual for their premiums. The GOP blur the waters and say the costs are going up. NO ONE HITS BACK and explains take away Obama care and the Premiums still go up.
The dirty little secret is Single Payer would have brought the cost down for everyone.
The Pulic Option would have lowered costs to individuals, at least somewhat better than the present system