change. Once in office, they are privy to many things that the public is not and have to back off of their promises or are blocked from doing what is good for the people. They encounter other elected officials who have their own agendas, have been in office for "decades" and feel nothing happens if they don't like it. Then the voting population is pissed and accusations are hurled on a daily basis. They throw out the current ones and the same process starts all over again. Politicians are not going to change. First, it is time for consideration of term limits for those in Congress, just like there is for the office of the President of the United States. Allow some fresh new faces and hopefully, new ideas to permeate the halls of Congress. It is almost criminal that Rangel, McConnel, Conyers, Kyl, Hatch, McCain, Reid and many others have dominated for as long as they have. Yes, things in Washington need to change, but that is almost impossible with the same old faces and ideas year after year.
"Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate, now what's going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate?" Will Rogers
Just collecting my thoughts...Good morning DU.