Makes me want to puke
They are all over Face-Book, TV talk Shows, and America displaying flags and bumper stickers "AS IF" their lunatic fringe Neo-Conservative politics makes them "More Patriotic" then other Americans.
Where the Fuck were they when it really counted ?Oh, I'm not supposed to remember that part. I'm only supposed to rally around the flag and what some Lunatic TeaFarty Conservative Preacher with a political agenda tells me to remember - is that it. Sorry Nimrod - I gave at the office, I served, as in Veteran, as in VFW type Veteran. I had to do what my country needed when she needed it, not only when it was politically expedient for me.
So sit down - shut the fuck up - and take a back seat to the true patriots
and yes - that would mean you "Mr 5 Deferments Dick Cheney"
I just buried my father with "Full Military Honors" for his service in the South Pacific all the way from the Gaudalcanal to the Philippines during WWII. Please do not sully his name and service to our country with your "Cracker-Jack Box Patriotism"