Gary Hart's opinion was rarely seen in U.S. media after 1988. This was true even after he had co-chaired the commission which had conducted the first comprehensive review of U.S. security since the end of WWII, and after Canadian newspapers screamed headlines of Hart predicting a terrorist at on America on September 6, 2001:
The Canadian headlines read, "Hart predicts a terrorist attack"–that’s Gary Hart, the former Colorado senator and two-time democratic presidential candidate who co-chaired the U.S. Commission on National Security with former Republican senator Warren Rudman. Hart had given his speech in Montreal. Interestingly enough, he was addressing the Air Transportation Association. would point out also that the so-called newspaper of record, the New York Times, didn't print one word about that final report. Keep in mind this wasn't just another federal commission. This was the most comprehensive review of U.S. national security since 1947. And so we weren't competing with a thousand other federal commissions. This was groundbreaking stuff, and we had spent two and a half years putting these recommendations and findings together. the way, when our final report came out in 2001, it did not receive word one in the New York Times. Zero. The Washington Post put it on Page 3 or 4, below the fold...
...I went out on my own throughout the spring and summer of 2001 saying, "The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming." One of the speeches I gave was, ironically enough, to the International Air Transportation Association in Montreal. And the Montreal newspapers headlined the story, "Hart predicts terrorist attacks on America."
By pre-arrangement I had gotten an appointment with Condi Rice the following day and had gone straight from Montreal to Washington to meet with her. And my brief message to her was, "Get going on homeland security, you don't have all the time in the world." This was on Sept. 6, 2001.
Condi Rice's other wake-up call Today is the 10th anniversary of what we in the US now commonly refer to simply as “9/11”. Because warnings had been denied, thousands had to choose between jumping to their death or burning to death. In the ensuing 10 years our defense-security related costs have exploded at a rate of about a $1trillion a year while our values as a republic that cares about people have imploded. Why? What can we do?
Seven months after he co-chaired President Clinton’s 14-member commission that spent much of the prior 2 years traveling among and listening to the people of the Middle East and heard their anger about US the implied disrespect of growing encroachment of our military on their sacred lands, Hart-Rudman unanimously warned the newly incoming President Bush and the US Congress of terrorist attacks on US homeland symbols of power and recommended steps to effectively prevent or respond to such attacks while also honestly addressing Middle East grievances.
Not only did Clinton and Bush never once publicly utter the commission name, “Hart-Rudman,” but their administrations worked to prevent public mention in Congress and the media. Even our national paper of record, The NY Times did not print a word about the commission’s warning and recommendations. Why would those sworn under our Constitution to protect our lives as their primary duty refuse to warn us of danger and take immediate safety steps?
Paul Revere warned the people, “The British are Coming!”
JFK warned the people, “The Russians are Coming!”
Gary Hart warned the White House, “The Terrorists are Coming!”
Sept. 6, 2001, Hart flew to the White House and met with President Bush’s national security advisor and former Hart aide, Condolezza Rice, and told her he believed the attacks are imminent as headlined by Canada’s Montreal Gazette that same day. But she told him there was nothing she could do as the president had formally delegated his primary constitutional responsibility for US safety to VP Cheney.
Five days later, the attacks occurred.
Thousands who paid their taxes for the warning they never read or heard died horrible deaths as many had to tearfully make their only choice: jump or burn. Naturally, as night follows day, our so-called leaders of both major parties continued the cover-up under the duct-tape of “fear” and “security” as their war-mongering business profited by the $trillions with such unpatriotic warnings of their own: “The Iraqis are Coming!”
Today, these so-called leaders – of both major parties – still dare not speak the unprofitable truth. They’ve even cited the deficit as a reason to deny cancer coverage to the thousands of volunteer first responders who died and continue dying from their efforts to save the victims of 9/11.
We had a surplus before 9/11. In the ensuing 10 years we’ve spent over $12 trillion on “defense” related costs in major part for ignoring Hart’s warning and President Clinton’s Hart-Rudman recommendations that remained unmentioned even in the so-called post-9/11 Report of 2004. Today, our country is in denial of these true events and directly related costs as our so-called leaders blame everything else under the sun for our current $14 trillion deficit as they continue to seek or maintain power at costs far greater to our republic by their continuing denial of our reality.
History is replete with warnings of this reality: either we jump to save our republic or we burn as all empires must.