I am not watching the televised coverage of 9-11-01 today. I am not watching any coverage of it. I do not need to be reminded of the events, nor watch them over and over again because they are branded in my mind and heart. I did not lose anyone I knew that day nor was I directly in harms way. Still, I was deeply effected by the traumatic events that happened on 9-11-01. As Americans we all were effected.
Today, and every September 11th, my heart goes out to those people who were directly involved. God Bless everyone soul who perished that day. God Bless everyone who lost someone. God Bless all of the courageous people who immediately went to work to give assistance to everyone in need and who, since then, has likely suffered for their generous actions that day.
Yet, life is for the living as they say and I hope the events of that horrible day have made us keenly aware that life is precious and fragile. May our actions be loving, kind, generous and wise. May we look for the good and find gratitude in today.
In this spirit, I found something I'd like to share - Operation Gratitude. I am posting the link here for anyone who may be interested.
http://www.operationgratitude.com/At this link, there are many ways we can be of service and demonstrate our gratitude. Vauvenargues (1715-1747) was a French Moralist and Essayist who said "generosity gives assistance, rather than advice" he also said "patience is the art of hoping."
Peace be with you DU. I am grateful that you are here.