They are ideologies born of the American spirit. We must recognize that the poison in the mix is a form of corporate greed mixed with an unAmerican ideology of hatred. Faux, Rush, and ilk have turned the conservative party on its head. Values they once held sacred are tossed aside in a heartbeat when ever the loony drum pounds. This morning posts about the anger at the tee shirts and at the Tucson Sheriff from the hateful pundits address my point. Somehow these media hacks have captured the spirits of many Americans and can make them turn against their own core beliefs. Conservatives once stood for respect of nature, respect of our law enforcement officers, respect to their fellow man, and above all a Christian ideology of brotherhood. It is not the individual Republican conservative American who is destroying our political process. It is the very few people who are getting filthy rich by poisoning the well. When a phrase on a tee shirt that calls for unity and prosperity is seen as a threat, I am afraid the brainwashing has been completed.