I love her anyway. This is a must see Book TV with her and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Feith">Douglas Feith who directed the Bush "Office of Special Plans" inside the Pentagon--a stand-in for the CIA who Rummy felt he couldn't manipulate easily enough.
Book TV, After WORDS:
http://www.booktv.org/Program/12786/After+Words+Dana+Priest+Top+Secret+America+The+Rise+of+the+New+American+Security+State+hosted+by+Douglas+Feith+Hudson+Institute.aspx http://www.dkosopedia.com/wiki/Douglas_Feith"> Douglas FeithFrom dKosopedia
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Douglas J. Feith is a former U.S. Undersecreatry of Defense and one of the neoconservative "masterminds" of the failed Republican War in Iraq.
Official Lies
Feith played a central role in preparing the bogus intelligence used by the second Bush administration to march an unwitting America into the War in Iraq. In issuing a report describing Feith's role, Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, senior Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that he would ask the panel to take "appropriate action" against Feith. Levin described the Jan. 15 communication from Feith as part of a pattern in which the Defense Department official, in briefings for Congress and the White House, repeatedly described the ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda as far more significant and extensive than the intelligence agencies had assessed. The report said that a classified document prepared by Douglas Feith, the undersecretary of defense for policy, did not accurately reflect the intelligence agencies' assessment of the relationship, despite a Pentagon claim that it did. Source: "Pentagon Official Distorted Intelligence, Report Says." <1> International Herald Tribune Oct 21, 2004.
Rewarding Bureaucratic Deception
Astonishingly, despite his role as a principal in one of the worst blunders in U.S. international affairs, Feith was handed a four year contract worth $.5 million to serve as a "distinguished professor" at the National Defense University, a DoD graduate school. Source: David S. Cloud. "Iraq War Planner Was Hired by Military University, Briefly." The New York Times. February 15, 2007. News Report