If there is a clearinghouse website where I can find out if a particular organization is truly "bipartisan" or unbiased? Of course, all of them claim to be, but unless they're really famous (Heritage Foundation, Independence Institute, e.g.) it's hard to tell. I kind of figure that if they hide their funders and board of directors, they're probably biased, and most likely biased toward the right.
There was a comment on a letter to the editor in my local newspaper that referenced a bunch of info and a chart. The info claimed as its source something called "The Tax Foundation" at www.taxfoundation.org . The chart used a site called "
http://usgovernmentspending.com" which is pretty obviously a tea-bagger site.
But the chart looked suspicious to me, and here's why: My 15-year-old son just got finished creating a similar (though not identical) chart (yes, he does things like that for fun) but got VERY different results. I think he got his info from the iRS or the CBO, but I'm not sure. I've asked him to mail it to me, and when he does I'll post it here. It's a cool chart.
Anyway, I'm suspicious that the "Tax Foundation" "and the usgovernmentspending site are right-wing producers of data for Heritage and Independence and the like, and thus unreliable. Does anyone know if that's correct?
Link to the comment:
http://www.dailycamera.com/letters/ci_18862068 (scroll down to the comments by "123commonsense".