Tar Sands Protest May Greet Obama’s Campaign Manager Jim Messina at Harvard
By: Scarecrow Monday September 12, 2011 6:45 pm
Tar Sands Action 2011 (photo: Milan Ilnyckyj)
President Obama’s campaign manager, Jim Messina will be at Harvard University on Tuesday, hoping to urge Harvard students to help “pass the bill” or reelect the President or something. However, students and others opposed to the Tar Sands oil development and the Keystone XL pipeline are also planning to be there to greet him.
Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts supporters of TarSandsAction are hoping to remind Messina that support for Mr. Obama may well depend on the President showing a lot more concern for the environmental/climate risks of tar sands development than either he or his State Department have so far shown.
From the Tar Sands protest organizers:
Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina will be making an appearance tomorrow at Harvard, and some of your fellow Tar Sands Action arrestees Serena Zhao and Same Novey are organizing a demonstration to let him know that the President needs to reject the keystone XL pipeline if he expects our full support in the coming months.
This is an amazing opportunity to reach someone who has a great deal of influence on the President’s decisions. It’s not often that you have an opportunity to interact directly with such a high-ranking member of the President’s inner circle, and we should do everything we can to take advantage of it.
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