from In These Times:
Feds Focus on Foreclosure Fall GuysBY Leonard C. Goodman
If you follow the press releases coming out of the U.S. Attorney’s Office here in Chicago, as dutifully reported on by local and national media, you may believe the Justice Department is pursuing an “aggressive, coordinated and proactive effort” against the perpetrators of mortgage fraud. Headlines include: “Federal Investigation Leads to 14 Defendants Charged for Mortgage Fraud” (August) and “U.S. Attorney (Patrick Fitzgerald)’s Financial Crimes Folks Strike Again in $10.5 Million Mortgage Case” (June).
But different views of the performance of our federal fraud enforcers are out there. In Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission has been captured by the financial criminals it is charged with investigating. He writes, “Somewhere along the line, those at the SEC … fell and hit their head on a big pile of Wall Street’s money.”
In interviews on National Public Radio, William K. Black, litigation director of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board during the S&L mess, lamented that the major culprits of today’s crisis have gotten off scot-free.
How does one reconcile the reports from Taibbi and Black with the press releases touting tough-on-fraud prosecutions? Look no further than at whom the federal prosecutors in Chicago are targeting. ...........(more)
The complete piece is at: