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help with translation project - English to Spanish

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Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 12:38 PM
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help with translation project - English to Spanish
I have a kind of long document (about a page and a half?) that I need to have translated by Saturday morning. It is related to an oral history sort of project some friends are trying to put together and I have a chance to send the package back down to Mexico this weekend so I need some help. My Spanish is just too rudimentary for the intricacies of this

Is there a fast turnaround on-line service (with real people not a computer program) or is anybody here interested in giving it a try - I could even pay a little or make a small donation somewhere in your honor?

copy and paste of my original post, for background (I wanted help with questions and got that, now I need translating help):
I need help with a "personal history" project.
Does anybody know a website or other source for the kinds of questions one would ask an older person in order to get them talking about their life?

I know I have seen things like this, but I wonder if there is a website for it or maybe I should ask you all to help compile some questions.

THEN I need help translating them into Spanish.

This is a project that I should have got going on a couple of months ago, and I sure hope I'm not too late, but the basics are a VERY poverty-stricken childhood so lame stuff like "what was the name of your childhood pet?" or "what clubs were you a member of in high school?" or "what fraternity did you pledge to in college" aren't going to cut it.

This person became a fantastic artist in his own right, but has always lived in the shadow of a more famous brother, so all the videos and books and stories are always about the brother. Nicolas needs to have his story told too.This project not just about his story getting recorded, it is also about his family getting to know things they may not about his creative process and what drove him. Finally, it is a bit of occupational therapy because he is losing his eyesight and can no longer do his life's work. He was so depressed when we were there in October. One of the things that kind of cheered him up was to get him talking about the kinds of things that need to get recorded!

I was thinking more of things like "what work did you do before pottery?" I know he an his brother WALKED 120 miles to cross illegally at least once so I wonder how many times and where he worked here.

Where he met his wife. Trips to the US for exhibitions - actually that stuff might be available from other sources, but anyway trying to set up the conditions where a man's family can interview him when he feels like it or they have time. I'm thinking I will have to provide a recording device of some kind, but not sure how much access/familiarity with digital they have so maybe cassettes (in fact I think I have a good one somewhere I could send)

Anyway, anybody got any leads for me? I'm not organized or creative enough for this stuff.
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CherokeeDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 01:05 PM
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1. OK...
I am not good at languages, and this is probably cheating. It might not give you the best results, but if nothing else, Bing Translator might be helpful. Don't know how much you can translate at once there but if all else fails, maybe it's a start. I use it to translate when I write fiction, I sometimes have characters from other nations in my stories and use this to provide some kind of realistic translation. I have had someone fluent in German tell me the phrase I used could have been written better but for the part, Bing Translator works for my needs. Also WhiteSmoke does have a translator but it's costly.

I doubt if this helped but good luck!!!
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Common Sense Party Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 01:09 PM
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2. National Day of Listening has good questions

Puedes mandarme un private message si quieres ayuda con la traducción.
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RedCloud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 01:39 PM
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3. My home computer is broken otherwise this would be a piece of cake.
Edited on Thu Jan-13-11 01:40 PM by RedCloud
Lo siento muchísimo el no poder ayudarte en cuanto a nuestra "fermosa" lengua debido a la falta de tiempo.

Next time send me a PM. I have about ten or so folks who could take your ball and run with it.
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