I was listening to Thom this evening (rebroadcast from this morning) - and I was surprised to hear him continually referring to anti-choice people as "pro life." Not only that, he seemed to justify many of the anti-choice people as democrats who are in favor of health care for all, and other liberal ideas, thereby somehow deflecting some of the negativity that should go hand-in-hand with anti-choice people.
Frankly, I was taken aback. I like Thom, & listen to him frequently. I hate it, though, that he appears to give legitimacy to those who are anti-choice because they supposedly support other liberal tenets. If one is against a woman's right to choose, they don't deserve a free pass in other areas. Pro-choice is absolutely non-negotiable, and it is disturbing that someone as intelligent and progressive as Thom would give a free pass to those who are not pro-choice. Please let Thom know that (1) referring to these people as anti-choice is the preferred method of description. (2)If someone doesn't believe that a woman has the right to make decisions about her own body and destiny, it doesn't matter what else they believe in ... they are NOT deserving of a pass.