When I think about my high school days, I can let them play across my memory in a clip of bits and pieces that stand out to this very day. They are from all areas of that time such as sports, the marching band, moments from the academic side, and many others.
The moments from the academic side are a varied lot. They range from bits of poems by Robert Burns, Emily Dickinson, and e e cummings that I can still quote to the thunderous words of Jonathan Edwards in 'Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God.' I have never felt such empathy for a spider before or since.
There is one moment that froze me in my seat when it occurred. We watched a short movie that someone had made of 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson. When it was over, I felt a mixture of emotions from stunned to horror and beyond. I felt the same way after watching the moment from the GOP debate when the audience cheered when deciding to let a sick person die.
(Here is a link to the entire short story, 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson:
http://www.classicshorts.com/stories/lotry.html if you want to read it. I have no idea why there is a difference in the word count. I'm sure somebody will be trifling enough to count them and report in.)
In that moment it seemed as if we had won That Lottery of fear, superstition, and just plain evil. The cheering was jarring enough. What was even more deafening was the silence by everyone after the cheering and in these days that have followed. I know that the cheering has been pointed out and condemned here and there. However, what is missing is a ringing voice of moral clarity asking people what have we become in this 'Christian' and munificent nation. I am talking about a voice from many spectra from the religious to the political. I am not talking about just President Obama. There are a lot of people who should have been heard from.
It would seem that we are now a nation of people who would let the stranger die on the side of the road because we are too scared either to act or scared of those who do espouse not helping. Either way, we are a nation of shame at the least.
Links to the video clip:
Part 1:
http://youtu.be/pIm93Xuij7kPart 2: