I had to work late Monday night, so I missed (thank God) the Teabagger debate. However, I did watch clips, including the Leslie "Mr. Jeopardy" Blitzer question to Ron Paul about the 30 year old without insurance. I was appalled (but not shocked anymore) concerning the audience response, as I was when Goodhair got applause for his executions record.
I read several DUer's mention different scenarios about the 30 year old, including Leslie rephrasing the question as the victim not being able to afford insurance. I came up with another scenario, but it would probably be against the debate rules, and I know Leslie wouldn't have the balls to do it (nor the intelligence).
After the yelling, and after Paul's answer, Leslie turns to the audience and asks who said "let him die." One person in particular stands up, and Leslie then asks the question, "Suppose this was your 30 year old son, and he made this choice. The bills are astronomical, and of course you're Taxed Enough Already and can't afford immediate help, who should pay for this?" That would have been very interesting, to say the least.