Published on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 by the Daily Mail/UK
UK Unions Plot a Winter of Discontent as They Ballot More Than a Million Workers for Biggest General Strike Since 1926Millions of workers including police, firefighters, health workers, teachers and prison officers could strike over bitter pension row Unions describe potential walk-out as 'unprecedented' in scale and 'the biggest fight of our lives' Unison says they will be 'vilified' for striking but urges members to 'stay strong'by Anna Edwards
A 'winter of discontent' looks imminent as Unison, the country's biggest public sector workers' union, gave formal notice today that its 1.1 million members will be balloted for industrial action in the bitter row over pensions.
The Government face the threat of the biggest outbreak of industrial action since the 1926 General Strike after unions served notice of ballots over the row which will see workers pay an extra 3.2 per cent in pension contributions.
Unison's general secretary, Dave Prentis, said 9,000 separate employer groups would be involved in the action, describing the ballot as 'unprecedented' in scale.
He blamed the Government for the ballot decision, which could see workers in school, hospitals, police and voluntary sectors, join the move. .........(more)
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