“We decided it was in the best interest of those young people to give them the opportunity to go on to college and to have the opportunity their pursuing citizenship in this country, rather than saying, you know, we're going to put you over here and put you on the government dole for the rest of your life.”
--Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Sept. 12, 2011
This line in Monday’s GOP debate, sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express, puzzled us.
Perry, under attack by his rivals for allowing illegal immigrant students to pay in-state tuition and receive financial aid at Texas’ public universities, responded that he was trying to make sure they did not end up on welfare.
That’s an interesting but strange argument. We sent a query to the Perry campaign, asking for an explanation, and as usual did not get a response.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/tampa-debate-leftover-perry-and-illegal-immigrants/2011/09/14/gIQAf5m6RK_blog.html(hint: Glenn Kessler rates this statement 3 Pinocchios)