Edited on Wed Sep-14-11 12:56 PM by UTUSN
I've wondered about some of the latter day Veep nominees (Quitter, Joementum, EDWARDS) who thought the Veep nom was just SUCH a big deal that they are spectacular humans for being Called and would NOT go away!1 Gosh, when we were kids we were indoctrinated that Veep wasn't worth a bucket of warm p***.
Now that we're getting the nuggets about Quitter's sexploits and drug use from the McGINESS, we can solve HER mystery if not the other two:
She started as a beauty queen and, past that prime, confused politics as a venue where she could continue getting the spotlight by strutting stuff and recycling pageant issues about saving the world -- or making easy money or something like that.
So it turns out politics is not the answer, but the perfect FIT would be as one of Charlie SHEEN's goddesses!1
But would she be able to share with other goddesses?!1
OMZ, the 19th and 20th of September are going to be BIG!1 First on the 19th, the debut of the post-Charlie 2 1/2 Men, then the Comedy Central Roast of Charlie, then on the 20th the McGINNESS book, which ought to knock CHEENEE's off the #1 slot.
I can hear the Kindle batteries being charged as we speak!1 From my front porch!1