If you look at for example TalkingPointsMemo
http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/09/tea-party-debate-audience-cheers-idea-of-letting-sick-man-without-insurance-die-video.php and watch the video, the video ends before RP answers. TPM makes the issue that some in the crowd cheered for the man to die, which is another topic.
MotherJones also cuts immediately before RP answers the question and insinuates that RP said "Yes, let the man die".
http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/09/debate-crowd-cheer-dying-man-bernankeBut if you continue with the debate to hear RP's answer for example here
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/12/tea-party-debate-health-care_n_959354.html you will find RP says the following (as best as I can transcribe it):
Blitzer: but congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?
RP: "No. I practiced medicine before we had medicaid in the early 1960s when I got out of medical school. I practiced at Santa Rosa Hospital in San Antonio and the churches took care of them. We never turned anybody away from the hospital. And we've given up on this whole concept that we might take care of ourselves and assume responsibility for ourself, our neighbors, our friends, our churches would do it. This whole idea -- that's the reason the cost is so high. The cost is so high because they dump it on the government, it becomes a bureaucracy. It becomes special interests, it kowtows to the special interests and the drug company, then on top of that you have the inflation, the inflation devalues the dollar. We have lack of competition. There's no competition in medicine. Everybody is protected by licensing. We should legalize alternative health care. Allow people to practice what they want."
RP did not say people should turn their backs and let the man die.
What I object to is the lack of honesty and blatant editing to mislead people, and the mentality that is willing to blindly accept whatever fits their preconceived political agenda. Liberals are supposed to be inquisitive, open to new ideas, and truth seekers. Not liars.