Source: Raw Story
By Megan Carpentier
Merriam-Webster says that to cheer is to "applaud with shouts," and to applaud something is "to express approval especially by clapping the hands." Tea partiers have been doing both to express vociferous approval of many things of late, especially when the cameras have been rolling. While we all know what they hate -- taxes, President Obama and the deficit, among other things -- what is it they like again?
1. Executions
At the NBC-Politico debate on September 7, 2011, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams pointed out that Texas Governor Rick Perry had presided over 234 executions, "more than any other governor in modern times." The audience applauded.
Amnesty International notes that the United States executed 46 people in 2010 alone, more than any other country but China, Iran, North Korea and Yemen. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, the U.S. has already executed 32 people this year; 10 were from Texas.
2. The deaths of uninsured people
Though once they were whipped into a frenzy at the mere (false) thought that "death panels" might determine the ultimate fate of someone sick and government-insured, tea parties have less of a problem with "the market" deciding someone's fate. During the CNN-Tea Party debate on September 12, 2011, tea partiers shouted at debate moderator Wolf Blitzer that a 30-year-old man who hadn't bought health insurance should be allowed to die if he couldn't afford care in the event of a catastrophe.
A study recently published in the American Journal of Public Health estimates, based on 2006 data, that 45,000 Americans die each year to to a lack of health insurance. Other studies from the federal Institute of Medicine and the Urban Institute based on earlier numbers suggest the number may be closer to 20,000. And, despite Blitzer's hypothetical, a 2006 Kaiser Family Foundation study noted that two-thirds of the uninsured come from low-income families and are not "well off."
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