There are people in this country who hate us.
People who hate gays. People who hate married gays. People who hate poor people. People who hate women. People who hate black people. People who hate foreign nationals. People who hate the religions and creeds of other people. People who hate the homeless. People who hate educated people. People who hate tolerance. People who hate letting slip even one person from the death penalty. People who hate mixed marriages--of ANY kind. People who hate science and evolution. People who hate secularism. People who hate everything about liberals and progressive.
They're all around us. We see them every day, often smile at them, even when they see us as being different--something ELSE they hate. They can even be longtime friends, or family members. They could be anyone.
They're not all rich, but some of them, hell, a LOT of them are filthy rich. A lot of them have no regard for the people they hire, and who treat them like shit. A lot of them commit crimes, pretending that the laws in this country were never designed for them. They claim whatever they do is right, and what everyone else says or does is wrong.
THAT'S IT. They are the ones who need to find out first hand what law and crime really are like.
Anyone ever heard of the French Revolution, where all those born of nobility were beheaded without further ado? That's where WE come in.
No need to behead them--we're a lot less bloodthirsty than they are. What should we do? I suggest the following.
Laws about bribing law enforcement people should be actually enforced. Laws about making sure that children are not being used as slaves in any household. Laws about IRS taxes must be enforced, and a flat tax, with no extra tax exemptions should be enforced. Laws about churches remaining uninvolved with politics should also be enforced--NO exemptions. If even one example can be shown of a church participating in anything even resembling government, their tax exempt status is revoked. Laws about lobbyists and PACs--dissolution if it's found out that they bribed a congress person in any way. Laws about congress people staying the hell away from all religious groups. There are oh, so many more.
They might be richer, or they might be more driven, but we outnumber them all. We CANNOT allow them to blackmail this nation into continued servitude for hateful people such as these. We outnumber them--just remember that. And whether we ever fought for the freedom of everyone in the country or not on a battlefield, the biggest battlefield is right under our feet, in our heart, and in our mind.
It's a matter of survival. We need to take it to the streets, no matter where we are, and point out the truth to every household, every person who lives in this country. We need to make our wishes and thoughts known, and for those who don't know the truth, we need to explain it to them. We can't wait any longer. This country was fought for because some very brave people did what they had to do, even when they knew they could be hanged for their revolution, and whether the Americans revolting against the British, or the French civilians fighting against the aristocracy, it's still a war, and it's one we have to wage--and win.