Bike and Pedestrian Safety Under Attack on Capitol HillRepublicans should heed a surprising conservative voice on the subjectBy Jay Walljasper
Funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements is fighting for its life on Capitol Hill right now, under attack from politicians who want to shove transportation policies back to the 1950s, when cars were the only way to go. Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) introduced a measure to kill dedicated funding for non-motorized transportation programs, which may come to a vote as early as today.
Called by the misleading name “transportation enhancements” (since when is saving lives an enhancement?) programs to make biking and walking safer for everyone are one of the smartest investments to come out of Washington. Any Republican wanting to eliminate them ought to open the pages of the conservative magazine The Economist, which last week made a strong case for continuing to build bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly street designs .
Not usually an advocate for expanding government programs, The Economist bluntly states: “Dying while cycling is three to five times more likely in America than in Denmark, Germany or the Netherlands.” The reason, according to the magazine, is that Northern European bikers enjoy the safety of bike lanes separated from moving traffic and other modern measures to protect riders.
Another factor cited by the magazine is traffic calming, a toolkit of new engineering approaches that remind motorists not to speed. And we know beyond a doubt that speed kills. The Economist points to a British government study showing that vehicles traveling 40 miles-per-hour kill pedestrians 85 percent of the time. At 30 mph, pedestrians die 45 percent of the time, and at 19 miles per hour (the speed limit on many residential streets in Europe), fatalities occur 5 percent of the time. .........(more)
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