The solutions required to restore this country's economy, and our society in general, are obvious to all for those who care to look. Things like a true, WPA style jobs creation program to restore employment. Abandoning education reforms like RTTT and NCLB, combined with fully funding schools and increasing teacher pay to solve our shortcomings in education. Ending the wars and scaling back our military to help in myriad areas. Raising taxes on the rich and corporate to help end our debt crisis.
All these, and many more, are very plain, obvious solutions to our multitude of problems. Experts recommend these solutions, they work elsewhere in the world, and some have worked in our past as well. But due to various reasons, political and otherwise, these solutions aren't implemented.
How long are we going to continue down this path? How long are we going to allow our country to decay before we take up these common sense solutions? How bad do things have to get before we do what is right?
Every single day these solutions are deferred means just that much more damage to our society. More people unemployed, more homes foreclosed, more children falling through the cracks, and more despair throughout our country.
One would think that sooner or later somebody in government would get a clue, would stand up and fight for these obvious solutions. Normally, in the past, that somebody has come from the Democratic party, but now, it seems as though the Democratic party is as willing to let our society go down the drain as the 'Pugs are.
There are only two questions left. Are our so called leaders truly willing to let this country slide into oblivion for their own personal gain? And how long before the masses in this country realize that apparently they're screwed, and seize the future of this country for their own?
How long?