Edited on Thu Sep-15-11 04:22 PM by undergroundpanther
People who say America is the best, number one, never ask for WHOM this country is great.
So I hate it when I answer the offensively stupid, with NO,America is not the greatest country, in fact it sucks here,the corporations run wild and ruin resources held in commons. The Political system is corrupted ,and we live under a kakistocracy mixed with corporate fascism here,the people have suffered insane levels of abuse,and I'd rather live in a country that isn't so corrupt.a country that has a good transportation structure,puts rules on corporations,and has the humane kind of culture that gives a shit about their people,and values everyone even if they're different.A more Egalitarian culture.
And the ignorant asshole says why don't you leave,and go there than?
I tell them the truth. Truth is I am constantly scared disability and the social safety net is being shredded by republicans ,my options swindle,I WANT OUT, but I CAN'T leave this hellhole. Don't have enough money to afford 300 bucks to get a passport,can't afford the plane trip there,and how long and how much would it cost to be a citizen there? Can I ever gather enough on 700 bucks a month?I tell the person yammering about how great this country is listing the barriers to getting out of the country as a person on disability.
The reply I get is pure smugness.Or they tell me to go move to Iraq .
I say,Iraq is no good because our country's pillaging,torturing and destroying the middle east hate this country years of American bullying has made it so I cant move there,they hate Americans and rightly so... I'd rather go to Egypt.So countries are worse than here some are better. I want to move where it's better.
So after such a arrogant response, I want to punch the living shit out of them.But I can't do it,I do not have a get out of jail free card.
American Exceptionalism means to me that anything is legal under the stupid profit imperative.Zero Sum bullshit. American Exceptional-ism means one class is exceptional compared to the others so these rich and sociopath get exempted from paying tax in any significant amounts ,no requirement to care for others even their own family members welfare,or about anything else they are always exempted from consequences of their actions,and they get trillion dollar give-aways,a get out of jail free card that never expires.And are NEVER obligated to any contract they can get away with breaking instead of jail they get golden parachutes..
The unexceptional Americans (Most of US)are the minorities,sick,poor,disabled or anyone else who make minimum wage or less .WE pay for our mistakes and we pay for the corporations fuck ups. WE,the non-chosen by the republican god,un-blessed by the republican fundie god, We of lower of status,lacking political powers,not wealthy,or 'saved' are in a different class.We to suffer and pay for the consequences the"exceptional ones"deeds,destructive antics,whims,stupid ideas like (trickle down economics and 'free trade')and,morally bankrupted shallow greed glorifying "philosophies"(like Leo Strauss Ayn Rand or prosperity gospel)that these upper class assholes fancy to impose on us. We pay for their corporate crimes,their enviromental disasters,we take their minimum tested drugs,eat their genetic twisted,pesticide loaded slave picked food,We live struggling with paychecks that barely last until we get paid again,just to pay the rich MOAR!! go or recent We pay bills for cables,satellites, power lines etc.Things put here that the lower waged taxpayers paid for via corporate welfa but corporations claim they own And WE pay to keep the wall street casino open.. for those few who people connected powers from networking in various excluding sub cliques like the country clubs,right wing rabble,white racists,corporate,military,political,industrial,mega-church classes. We get to pay taxes to support the rich people's lavis h lifestyles.We get no trillion dollar give-aways, no tax breaks,no golden parachutes,no health care,and no get out of jail card that never expires.
America is stratified by classes and everyone denies it. Most of us live in corporate run fascist state that is democratic in name only. It is abusive to us,inhuman,and impossible to live via politics and law.Twisting laws appointing cronies.Due to the greed of a few that have it all,but can never get enough of more, we toil and suffer,as they never have a want or need that is not satisfied.American government is not just or impartial anymore.It is socialism for the class that thinks it is exceptional and exempted because they think they deserve it .For our class it's ruthless inhumane capitalism,and struggle everyday.For the disabled sick,used up,traumatized veterans,homeless people,mentally ill,unable to cope at work,and the old, its consume,pay and die and die as fast as you can, and shut up and take it,no justice or help for you! ,DIE,Die Useless Eaters,DIE!!!!
Cause the elites are high functioning psychopaths and they get off on your suffering.They love torture,because they abuse power and think we are so demoralized we will take the abuse,when we collectively crack and ADMIT the enemy is NOT us,The elite assholes are prepared they have horrible devices for crowd control,like microwave pain units..flashing lights and sound to torture the protesters with..And the elites watch safely away dicks hard watching us get tortured on the street. And I need to be free of abuse,that means this social and government behavior is intolerable for me.I never asked to be born here,and I want out.