This would be perfect for someone like Alan Grayson to do if he were in congress still. Perhaps someone else might pick up something like this.
The next time the Rethugs try to push through legislation to weaken regulations of corporations (particularly in the energy or food sector), or stop Democrats efforts to fix or introduce regulations that are needed and missing, how about this for theater.
Bring in glasses of liquids to drink or food to eat that are things like:
1) water contaminated by mercury from streams near coal plants in the Appalachians. 2) water contaminated by corexit or oil from water in the gulf, etc. 3) contaminated food imports from China, etc. 4) fish taken from the ocean near the northern coast of Japan.
Then ask the Republicans if they want to eat or drink any of these items as a way of "proving" that their notions of not having regulations aren't necessary. If this is done right, and focused on the areas that are being discussed now (like if nuclear regulation is being discussed, bring in the irradiated fish).
Make sure CSPAN cameras are rolling then. Let's see if these congress critters will really drink or eat such items or not.