Edited on Sun Sep-18-11 02:04 PM by denem
For the most part BAILOUTS are loans, government loans loans that private capital markets do not like and seek to undermine.
A loan, whether it's 'foreign aid' or a 'bailout' is STILL selling debt. BUT it does cut out for profit commercial lenders. The capital markets carnivores do get some treasuries to chomp on, but it's relatively slim pickings.
But consider this - if private banks loan - sells debt to a cash strapped business, they create credit, or print money if you like The business gets $xxx and the bank has sold $xxx debt which is now on it's books.
BUT One Bank "MUST NOT" do this THE FED - why THAT would put everything at risk!
Did you every wonder why the TARP funds had to come from the taxpayer? The Fed after all has created credit/printed money of $2.3 trillion to compensate for a similar contraction of private credit / money.
$2.3 Trillion of 'Quantitative Easing' versus $750 Billion of TARP that landed in the taxpayers laps?
Well here's my 2c. A Fed loan cuts private finance profit to zero on that transaction. All they are left with is derivate speculation perhaps.
Next time your hear 'Bailout' think of a loan a loan that fails to deliver the blood capital market vampires insist is theirs alone.