I've heard the term."He has been described in the media as populist and labeled far right, though this is disputed by other observers. Wilders, who has refused to align himself with other European far-right leaders such as Jean-Marie Le Pen (France's National Front) and Jörg Haider (Austria's Freedom Party),
views himself as a right-wing liberal and has expressed concern of being "linked with the wrong rightist fascist groups."
Wilders published the version of
his political manifesto called Klare Wijn
("Clear Wine") in March 2006. The program
proposed ten key points to be implemented: How many of these can be considered "liberal"?)1. Considerable reduction of taxes and state regulations.
2. Replacement of the present Article 1 of the Dutch constitution, guaranteeing equality under the law, by a clause stating the cultural dominance of the Christian, Jewish and humanist traditions.
3. Reduction of the influence of the European Union, which may no longer be expanded with new member states, especially Turkey; the European Parliament will be abolished. Dutch financial contributions to the European Union should be reduced by billions of euros.
4. A five year moratorium on the immigration of non-Western foreigners who intend to stay in the Netherlands. Foreign residents will no longer have the right to vote in municipal elections.
Interesting that they currently allow foreigners to vote in municipal elections.5. A five-year moratorium on the founding of new mosques and Islamic schools; a permanent ban on preaching in any language other than Dutch. Foreign imams will not be allowed to preach. Radical mosques will be closed and radical Muslims will be expelled.
6. Restoration of educational standards, with an emphasis on the educational value of the family.
7. Introduction of binding referenda and elected mayors, chiefs of police and prime ministers.
8. Introduction of minimum penalties, and higher maximum penalties; introduction of administrative detention for terrorist suspects. Street terrorism will be punished by boot camps and denaturalisation and deportation of immigrant offenders.
9. Restoration of respect and better rewards for teachers, policemen, health care workers and military personnel.
10.Instead of complicated reorganisation, a more accessible and humane health care system, especially for elderly citizens.
Perhaps 9 and 10 (maybe 7) can be considered "liberal" positions depending on knowing all the specifics.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geert_WildersHow many conservative positions can you have and still call yourself a "liberal" anything?"