Under the banner of “Constitutional Progressives,” a coalition of liberal groups has begun making a two-part argument: First, that a progressive government agenda is consistent with constitutional values. Second, that the constitutional conservative approach represents a dangerous change of the government’s role.
This bid to “
rebut the constitutional fairy tales being peddled by the Tea Party,” as Douglas Kendall of the Constitutional Accountability Center put it, could not be more timely, with the dizzying rise of Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
The constitutional conservative vision is dramatically different. It
sees a hobbled federal government limited to a few basic activities, such as national defense and immigration. The 10th Amendment, reserving to states the powers not specifically granted the federal government, would be put on steroids. The Commerce Clause, giving the federal government the authority to regulate commerce among the states, would be drastically diminished.
A white paper by the liberal Center for American Progress spells out the potential consequences of the constitutional conservative vision. Programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would be deemed to exceed the federal government’s enumerated powers.
http://www.courierpostonline.com/article/20110919/OPINION02/309190029/Some-ready-fight-strict-constructionistsThe Whole Constitution Pledge From Constitutional ProgressivesThrough the Constitution, “We the People” created the most enduring government charter in world history.
Building on the achievements of the Founding generation, successive generations of Americans have created a “more perfect union” through constitutional Amendments. These Amendments have improved our Constitution by ending slavery, enshrining guarantees of equality and citizenship, expanding the right to vote, and ensuring that the national government has the power and resources necessary to protect the nation, address national challenges and secure civil rights.
Some have advocated repeal of Amendments, including the 14th Amendment, the 16th Amendment, and the 17th Amendment, that make our Constitution better and this country great. Some have even failed to heed the lessons of the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement and have advocated a return to ideas of secession and nullification.
I believe that our Constitution has been improved by the Amendments adopted over the last 220 years.
I pledge to support the whole Constitution.