A Colorado family farm that provides organic food and community supported agriculture found itself the target of anti-gay and anti-Semitic attacks Sept. 7. Ann Grant Martin, a lesbian member of the organic farm's founding family, told the Coloradoanthat the act was committed by “somebody with a lot of darkness in their hearts.”
According to Coloradoan.com, buses hand-painted with images of “Love” and “Peace” at the Wellington-based Grant Family Farm were defiled with spray-painted swastikas and anti-gay slurs in a possibly bias-motivated crime. The farm, which lies in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains just south of the Wyoming border, was started in 1953 by Lewis Grant and his son, Andi, and is now staffed by a variety of folks — gay and straight.
Used as mobile free-range chicken coops and a tour bus, the Grant Family Farms buses had been colorfully adorned through a regular tradition at the farm. Cherry Creek Schools donated one of them weeks earlier after 70 children helped paint the bus. The vandals — who have not been caught — spray pained on all sides of three buses, mostly swastikas and anti-gay slurs.
“The farm is a safe place to work, and it's a healthy place to work, and it's a very inclusive and respectful place to work,” Grant said, adding that the vandalism is “really upsetting.”