He had only about thirty employees and the things cost a great deal of money, needless to say there were very small Christmas bonuses that year due to a a general lack of funding.
He was a very paranoid man, but the oddest part was the way the thing would round numbers in favor of the shop. We had to clock in and out for breaks as well as lunch. If you came back 5 minutes early for lunch, it did not credit you of course, but if you were one minute late it would debit you, it did the same with breaks and clock ins.
It stole an hour from me every week doing this. I worked in the AutoCad design Dept. (all two of us) and had to take calls from clients at their whim. I usually worked through lunch and took few breaks. I never asked to be compensated for this but did expect it to count if I worked through lunch and took a twelve minute break instead of ten.
I asked the owner about this and he said that I should not work through lunch (knowing full well HE required me to when a client wanted to go over a design at lunch time). He was a good Christian after all, in God we trust and Calvin be praised.
It made more sense when I discovered that the clock was stealing labor consistently from the cabinet makers in the shop as well as the design team in the office. (I walked in both worlds so I got to hear from everyone)
The clock math addeed up to some serious cash and I think that was the selling point they used on him.