I posted what follows at the bottom of this post almost four years ago originally. The sarcasm and unbelief with which it was met were expected. But the enhanced effects of climate change and Obama acting like Neville Chamberlain may cause some to re-consider. I re-post it now in the hope that it is not too late for us collectively to save civilization from the doom toward which we are surely accelerating.
I feel that my original post has now been vindicated by history. Obama sold out the planet at Copenhagen in 2009, wasting perhaps our last chance to survive. This post is dedicated to the millions of climate change refugees in Africa, where rising temperatures have resulted in the evaporation of Africa's major lakes, thereby causing famine, civil war and incalculable human suffering. It is also dedicated to those living near sea level, in Alaska, the South Pacific and elsewhere, people who have lost their homes and their way of life due to rising ocean levels. It is dedicated to Americans in the west made homeless by increasingly strong wildfires, to Iowans and Minnesotans subjected to incredible floods, to Alabamans who lately have been subjected to powerful tornadoes, to those on the Atlantic seaboard who can no longer afford the rising cost of hurricane insurance and finally to those New Orleans refugees who have not found a way home, canaries all in this coal mine we once called Mother Earth.
Even on a website that purports to offer an alternative to Obama, even there you must write in Gore's name. Such is the state of so-called progressive thinking. I and others have tried unsuccessfully to get his name added to the list. Anyway, here is the website: StopHoping.org I urge you to go there and write in his name.
Posted by Admiral Loinpresser in General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Tue Oct 30th 2007, 01:57 AM In one Sopranos episode, Carmella seeks out the advice of a psychiatrist because of her internal conflicts in enjoying a Mafia-funded lifestyle. The psychiatrist informs her that he will not accept her money and that she is morally tainted by association.
"You are on a morally fatal path," he tells her, or words to that effect. He concludes by advising her to take her children and flee without any money or tainted assets. "You can't say that you haven't been told," he concludes.
We, also, are on a fatal path. This is what the scientists are telling us. We have years, not decades to act, or we will soon find that it is too late. When the arctic icecap completely melts, when the Greenland and Antarctic ice shelves inject global proportions of freshwater into the oceans, it will be way too late. Those phenomena are rapidly moving to a point of no return. The nations of the world must come together and go on a war-footing to combat climate change or civilization will collapse and billions will die.
If you do not agree with this, I urge you to study the public pronouncements of Dr. James Hansen and others who are finally casting aside the naturally conservative inhibitions of physical scientists, to tell us the urgent and inconvenient truth. Study how the models are being constantly revised with more dire predictions and acceleratingly negative data of actual, dynamic conditions.
There are those who will say the title is hyperbole. I respond that they are not well informed with the current state of climatological science. Climate change has caused more death and destruction already than Islamic terrorism in the United States. We now have more refugees than at any time since the civil war, and it is due to climate change. Yet our declared candidates (other than Kucinich) continue to fiddle while America burns. They are simply not acceptable as leaders and their record of lies, inexperience and lack of commitment makes them unsuitable for trust in our hour of greatest need.
Humanity faces its greatest threat in history. Without Al Gore providing the necessary world leadership, laws and treaties to engage in full scale war against climate change, we stand little chance of survival. Vote for Al Gore, or die. You can't say you haven't been told.