lack thereof…
You know, it’s not often that I agree with Sarah Palinz on, well, anything, but I have to say, her catchy little slogan “Lamestream Media” really does fit the bill.
Oh, don’t get me wrong! It has nothing to do with her imaginary persecution complex. A reporter asking you what newspapers you read is about as “gotcha” as asking me what I had for dinner last night (Ham and matzoh bread, in case your wondering. I take perverse pleasure in breaking my Jewish taboos).
No, I’m talking about how a few dozen imbeciles wearing tea bags on their hat can show up and protest utter nonsense and that will be all over the news for days on end but when thousands of liberals invade Wall St. to protest the very real damage these “captains of industry” have done to the people of this country, it’s barely a blip on the news.
It’s bad enough that the Sunday shows barely have progressives on to counter the never-ending propaganda from the Right Wing blowhards that magically seem to be invited in droves every single week. It’s bad enough that the evening news breathlessly reports every Republican talking point without even thinking of fact checking or contradicting obvious lies. No, we have to hear “both sides” except, of course, for the liberal side. Liberal protests are not worthy of coverage unless there’s violence, then, and only then, will it plastered everywhere.
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