from thinkprogress:
Yahoo Appears To Be Censoring Email Messages About Wall Street Protests (Updated)
By Lee Fang on Sep 20, 2011 at 1:50 pm
Yahoo blocks users from sending e-mails about the website with a message claiming "suspicious activity"
Thinking about e-mailing your friends and neighbors about the protests against Wall Street happening right now? If you have a Yahoo e-mail account, think again. ThinkProgress has reviewed claims that Yahoo is censoring e-mails relating to the protest and found that after several attempts on multiple accounts, we too were prevented from sending messages about the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations.
Yahoo blocks users from sending e-mails about the website with a message claiming "suspicious activity"Over the weekend, thousands gathered for a “Tahrir Square”-style protest of Wall Street’s domination of American politics. The protesters, organized online and by organizations like Adbusters, have called their effort “Occupy Wall Street” and have set up the website: However, several YouTube users posted videos of themselves trying to email a message inviting their friends to visit the Occupy Wall St campaign website, only to be blocked repeatedly by Yahoo. View a video of ThinkProgress making the attempt with the same blocked message experienced by others:
Watch: tried other protest websites, like and, and both messages were sent smoothly. ...............(more)
The complete piece is at: