Rep. Issa lobbied for same kinds of federal loans his committee is now investigating
By Justin Sink - 09/21/11
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) announced yesterday that his committee plans to investigate government loan programs to private corporations out of a concern that politicians might exert undue influence to help those who donated to their campaigns. But Issa had sought government loans in the past for similar clean-energy products in his home state.
Letters show Issa lobbying Energy Secretary Steven Chu to grant loans to a Aptera Motors, a California-based hybrid car company; a San Diego-area biofuels consortium; and Quallion, a lithium-ion battery manufacturer in Los Angeles.
In one letter, Issa writes: "Awarding this opportunity to Aptera Motors will greatly assist a leading developer of electric vehicles in my district. … A loan to Aptera will help accelerate the move from gasoline-powered vehicles to cleaner electric vehicles."
Issa also has been an outspoken supporter of federal loans to nuclear power companies.