Seriously. In recent weeks, the GOP has been seeking to sow dissension in Democrat ranks with messages like "Hillary would have been a better president" and "Obama doesn’t need to run for re-election." These talking points have been repeated all over the place. The DNC needs to push back, and I humbly suggest the following talking points as something they can deploy via their talking heads:
"I think you have to wonder why Sarah Palin, the most popular Republican in the country, isn’t being begged by the GOP leadership to run. Really, it shows extraordinary disrespect by the GOP toward one of their leading figures."
"Certainly we’re concerned about the upcoming election, but less concerned than we would be if Gov. Palin were running."
"Obviously, it’s not for us to say, but based on the sheer number of fans she has it certainly seems like Sarah Palin could be an extraordinarily successful independent candidate for president, someone who could really shake up this race and this country."
A little mischief could go a long way. Why should the Republicans have all the fun?