Chances are, you pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes than the richest Americans.
Meanwhile, huge corporations that turn billion-dollar profits are getting tax breaks and giveaways that only pad their bottom line. That doesn’t make sense.
Things are out of whack when we’re fighting tooth and nail to save Medicare and Social Security for the middle class while some millionaires and billionaires aren’t even paying their fair share.
This week, President Obama proposed the “Buffett rule” to make millionaires and billionaires like Warren Buffett -- who actually asked to pay more taxes -- carry their fair share of the burden for reducing our debt.
So tell me: do you support the Buffett rule?
Click here to cast your vote in our quick online poll today and let me know if you support the Buffett rule: the Republican talking points say the Buffett rule is class warfare, I say it’s about fundamental fairness for most Americans -- those in the middle class.
This rule is about fairness for those families who work hard, play by the rules, and don't have access to the special goodies in the tax code that benefit the mega-wealthy, who pay more money to their accountants than most American families bring home in a year.
But people like Karl Rove and the right-wing billionaires backing his front group have a lot of influence with Republicans in Washington, and they’ll kick and scream as loud as they can to keep from paying higher taxes.
As congressional debt reduction negotiations begin, I need to know where you stand.
Will you let me know where you stand on the Buffett rule by taking our quick online poll now?
Thanks for all you do,
Claire McCaskill
Contribute: for by McCaskill for Missouri 2012
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