Unfortunately, President Obama, who campaigned against the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, is not against these wars in the least. He also was anti-Patriot Act in 2003, but is as pro PA as they come now. Sadly, many, many Democrats in Congress agree with him. Republicans also were almost unanimously in favor of these two issues several years ago.
However, times are changing. Many of the hard-right tea baggers with a libertarian twist are now in opposition to both wars and the un-Patriot Act. The Karl Rove/George Bush/Dick Cheney/Bill Kristol neo-con wing of the party are on their way out. I expect the paleo-conservative/paleo-libertarian wing to grow in greater numbers in 2012, knocking off many neo-cons in the Repuklican primary.
We're in deep danger of losing these issues to the unthinkable, Republicans. If not by 2012, certainly by 2014-2016. We can't lose this issue to them, folks. The American people are with us, why are we turning our backs with support of the wars and PA? Is there any chance Obama can act like he did when he was running for the Senate? Any chance we can form our own "tea party" and primary the Democrats who support these things?
This is a winning issue, and if Republicans start talking about pulling out completely (not some half-assed retreat where we say it's an end to combat, yet still have 50,000 there) of these unpopular wars, I fully expect us to lose many more seats in the coming elections.